Presbytery Council
Class Name Status/Church Phone Email
  TE Jan Christensen, Council Moderator LeMars PUCC 712-541-3586 Contact Email
  RE Eric Olson, Presbytery Moderator Denison United 712-269-4597 Contact Email
  TE Michael Gewecke, Presbytery Vice Moderator Spirit Lake First 320-266-2414 Contact Email
  TE David Koehler, COM Sioux City Faith 712-730-4478 Contact Email
  RE Bill Bruce, Budget & Finance Denison United 608-604-2501 Contact Email
  TE Jennifer Olson, CPM Denison United 317-797-5860 Contact Email
  RE Jeff Stanley, Personnel Commission Sioux City First 712-540-9037 Contact Email
  TE Richard Francis, Missional Witness Committee HR 712-265-1167 Contact Email
Staff RE Amgad Beblawi Mission Exec. 502-592-3223 Contact Email
Staff TE Ian McMullen Pastor to Presby. 515-450-7534 Contact Email
Staff TE Annika Lister Stroope Admin. Exec. 402-942-1636 Contact Email

The Council shall
i. Function as the Board of Directors of the corporation under the provisions of Iowa law, with the Stated Clerk serving as Secretary of the corporation.
ii. Be available for the clarification of programs and decisions of Presbytery.
iii. Maintain the timely dissemination of current and accurate information regarding Presbyterian programs, issues and concerns.
iv. Meet on a regular basis, either in person or via video conference, including three weeks prior to presbytery meetings and as requested by presbytery moderator.
v. Be responsible for setting the location, agenda, and worship for each of the stated presbytery meetings. Meetings for Presbytery shall ordinarily include opportunities for worship, business, education, and fellowship.
vi. Be responsible for nominating the members of the Nominating Committee to consist of Ministers of the Word and Sacrament and Ruling Elders in as equal a proportion as possible. Attention shall also be given to balance in gender, age, and race.
vii. Establish all Working Groups and ensure each Working Group meets guidelines as established by the Presbytery.
viii. Support Presbytery staff.
ix. Set goals for the Presbytery and present those goals to the Presbytery annually, together with updates on how those goals are being or not being met.
x. Study together topics that will help the team to lead the presbytery in its vision and mission.
xi. Seek out resources needed by congregations and leadership to live out presbytery vision.
xii. Create, implement, or otherwise provide educational events at Presbytery meetings related to vision.