The Art of Worship Planning

The Art of Worship Planning

The Art of Worship Planning

March 14-15, 2025
Westminster Presbyterian Church
1200 S Marquette Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55403

This event is focused on renewing spirit filled worship between pastors and musicians. There will be time for worship and reflection. Sessions planned include:

  • co-planning between pastors and musicians
  • projection and light design
  • focus on elements of streaming
  • liturgical elements and their place in worship
  • Pentecost music reading session
  • sound design and acoustics
  • use of technology to enhance worship for all ( hearing and vision issues)

Meals will be available.

For more details, visit

Apply Now for the 2025 U.S.-Mexico Border Trip

Apply Now for the 2025 U.S.-Mexico Border Trip

Apply Now for the 2025 U.S.-Mexico Border Trip

Join Presbyterians from across Iowa on a mission delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border. The delegation will be hosted by Frontera de Cristo, one of four Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries.

We will worship with, learn from, and be in mutual mission with brothers and sisters in Lirio de los Valles Presbyterian Church in Agua Prieta, and experience life and ministry along the US-Mexico border. We will also visit several churches and ministries that provide services to migrants and deportees.

The delegation is limited to 14 participants. The application deadline is July 31, 2025.

View flyer

Live Nativity Presentation

Live Nativity Presentation

Live Nativity Presentation

You are invited to the Bomgaars Building (at the fairgrounds-Hickory Street in Cherokee) for a nativity presentation featuring live animals! This event is great for the entire family. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served; bring a lawn chair. The fun begins at 4PM on Sunday, December 15! More information.
8th Annual Little Al Foundation Christmas Celebration

8th Annual Little Al Foundation Christmas Celebration

8th Annual Little Al Foundation Christmas Celebration

Sunday, Dec. 8 at 6:00PM
Join us for a Christmas Concert at Lone Rock Presbyterian Church! Get in the Christmas spirit, enjoy performances from local musicians, and support the Little Al Foundation while doing it! Your attendance will help Iowa families with children facing serious medical conditions or requiring specialized treatment away from home.
Women’s Praise Service at First Presbyterian Church of Fort Dodge

Women’s Praise Service at First Presbyterian Church of Fort Dodge

Women’s Praise Service at First Presbyterian Church of Fort Dodge

On Sunday, November 10, First Presbyterian Church held their annual Women’s Praise Service. This special service is a celebration of all the talented women in their congregation! The service is run almost entirely by the women, with the sermon focusing on a powerful woman of the Bible. First Presbyterian Church knows the importance of the ladies of the church and takes a Sunday each year to really stop and think, what all the amazing talents and service this group of people brings to the Lord. Music Director, Gabrial Alves organizes a special all-female choir to sing in this worship. The music is glorious and thoroughly enjoyed by all who hear it. Another special part of the morning is the quilts that cover every single pew. The quilts are sewn by the ladies during the year and are gifted to various mission partners as needs arise. The quilts are handmade, colorful, and gorgeous. When draped over the pews, the sanctuary takes on a feeling of warmth, a sense of home, a comfort that warms a person from the inside out-like a mother’s hug. To view the livestream of the Women’s Praise Service, visit First Presbyterian’s YouTube channel.

2025 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Trip South Mississippi Delta

2025 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Trip South Mississippi Delta

2025 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Trip South Mississippi Delta

February 2-8, 2025

The Presbytery of North Central Iowa invites you to join us for the 2025 disaster relief trip as we return to the South Mississippi Delta. Our 2024 work team was impressed with the resilience of the Rolling Fork community. We are excited to see the progress of their recovery, but we know they still have so much work left to do!

On March 24, 2023, several communities in the South Mississippi Delta were hit by an F-4 tornado. Over 20 people lost their lives, and over 70% of the community of Rolling Fork was destroyed. Wind gusts up to 200mph debarked trees, mangled cars, and destroyed homes. Together with the Community Foundation of Washington County and several other faith-based non-profit organizations, volunteers will help in the community recovery effort in Rolling Fork.

Lodging will be at Leland Presbyterian Church, arriving Sunday, February 2 and departing Saturday, February 8. The church can accommodate up to 30 volunteers. There are twenty twin beds, with linens included, in five rooms in their converted education building. Other rooms can accommodate additional volunteers that bring air mattresses. Volunteers have the use of a fully equipped kitchen, dining room, and lounge area. Facility photos are available on the PDA website. For those that do not wish to stay in a dormitory-style setting, there are numerous hotels within 15 minutes of the church.

Registration materials are available for download below. You can join us for the full week or a half week. Forms must be printed and mailed to the Presbytery Office at 1864 Highway 86 in Milford, IA 51351, with signed paperwork and registration fee included. Mailings must be received by January 6, 2025 to be considered for the trip.

If you have questions or need more information, contact Angie Jewett.

The Vine Campus Ministry attends the 2024 Jesus & Justice Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina!

The Vine Campus Ministry attends the 2024 Jesus & Justice Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina!

The Vine Campus Ministry attends the 2024 Jesus & Justice Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina!

The Vine Campus Ministry at Collegiate Presbyterian Church in Ames sent two students and the Director to the second annual Jesus & Justice Conference hosted by the Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministry to the UN in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is the second year that students have attended this conference to learn about the legislative advocacy work that the PCUSA does as well as participate in worship, workshops and fellowship with other young adults.

The Vine has a history of participating in social justice work both locally, nationally, and abroad. For many of the students, finding ways to integrate their spirituality into their beliefs about social and political issues is not something they’ve had much opportunity to do. “The vast majority of our students do not come from the PCUSA,” says Director Jen Hibben, “and many of them are coming from traditions that have told them that politics and religion don’t mix, we don’t discuss that here. But they also noticed the hypocrisy when others defended a certain set of political beliefs with their religion. Beliefs that they didn’t seem lining up with the teachings of Jesus.”
The Jesus & Justice conference gave students an opportunity to hear from vocal leaders at the intersection of faith and politics, and begin to practice what it’s like to engage from a faith-based perspective. Jeff McAllister, a junior at Iowa State University says, “The most valuable experience was learning how to use my faith as a motivator for social justice work and deepening the connection between the two. I want to continue to use my faith as a way to understand why these things are important and why I should continue to be involved. I appreciated meeting other like minded young adults to be able to see that we’re not alone in this work.”
The Vine encourages other young adults in the Presbytery to consider the 2025 gathering which is slated to be at the University of Michigan in October.
From Spain To Manning, Iowa

From Spain To Manning, Iowa

From Spain To Manning, Iowa

Written by Ging Hudson

In small towns, word travels fast, if it’s good or bad news! We heard good news last May that turned out to be great news for First Presbyterian Church, Manning. The I KM-Manning School District was in need of housing for the Spanish teacher that was to be hired for the 2024-2025 school year. An elder brought before the session the idea of renting our church manse to the individual and their family. The house was approved by the Department of Education, and we were thrilled. The house had been sitting empty for five years. We all wanted the house to be used and what a perfect opportunity for us to reach out to our community.

Work on the house began, updating plumbing fixtures, servicing the washer and dryer, changing light bulbs, cleaning out the attic, maintaining the air conditioner and furnace along with replacing blinds. We also hired a professional company to give the house a thorough cleaning.

The school had a committee of brilliant young teachers who coordinated furnishings and food with the rest of our community. Once the house was cleaned, they set to work on each room. Beds, dressers, tables, couches, lamps, area rugs, toys, desk and bookshelves, tv, sheets, pillows, towels, wastebaskets, soaps, laundry detergent; plus food, snacks, dishes, cookware, silverware, cooking utensils, towels, dish soap and throw rugs were placed. When the house was fully arranged and decorated, it looked amazing!

Aroa, Alberto, and their son lcian arrived August 8th and were greeted by school personnel and introduced to their Iowa home. Church elders met with them to explain thermostats, appliances, mail, and who they could call for any assistance.

It is now October, and school is closing its first quarter. Aroa is enjoying her teaching, and her family is enjoying the warm Iowa autumn. lcian attends Day Care and preschool at Zion Lutheran. He is three years old. Aroa is a Spanish teacher, and Alberto is a practicing physical therapist in Spain. We are so happy to have them in our lives as they learn the “Iowa way.” They come from a city with no yards or trees with leaves that fall. This week they insisted on raking leaves. lcian did all the activities that three-year-old children love: running, throwing, tramping, jumping and raking the beautiful leaves.

Collaboration with the community, school, and church family allowed us to serve all those in our school district and surrounding communities.

This wonderful family from Spain has made following our mission easy for the First Presbyterian Church in Manning!