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Interim Pastor Covenant

Step 1 of 2

(Name of Church, Town)
(Interim Pastor)
(No more than 12 months) at which time it may be renewed if necessary with the concurrence of Session, Interim Pastor and the Prospect Hill Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry.
It is understood that the Interim Pastor is accountable to the presbytery through the Committee on Ministry and will provide written reports about his or her ministry every 12 months and participate with the Committee and the Session in an evaluation of this ministry in 12 months.
It is understood that the Interim Pastor is not eligible to be called as Pastor.
It is agreed that this covenant may be terminated upon 30 days written notice by either the Interim Pastor or by the Session. If terminated by the Session prior to the end of the covenant period, compensation will continue for _______ days after the date of termination of ministry.
Goals for this ministry are to work with the congregation on the five tasks of interim ministry:
1) Enable congregation to identify current issues and develop resolutions.
2) Lead congregation through a goal setting process to develop a vision for the future.
3) Facilitating shifts in lay leadership and changes in congregational power structures
4) Rethinking and renewing denominational connections
5) Preparing for new pastoral leadership and a new future.
The Interim Pastor will fulfill the following responsibilities:
~ Provide spiritual and administrative leadership for the congregation
~ Lead worship and administer the sacraments
~ Officiate at weddings and funerals
~Provide pastoral care for the congregation and all who seek comfort and guidance through the church
~ Serve as moderator of the session.
~ Assist boards and committees in their ministry.
~ Train newly elected officers and assist in preparing persons for membership.
~ Participate in presbytery.
The Interim Pastor will not be involved in the work of the Pastor Nominating Committee beyond providing opportunities for them to communicate with the Session and congregation about their progress.