Stated Presbytery Meeting

Faith United Presbyterian Church 4327 Morningside Ave., Sioux City, IA, United States

Registration and coffee fellowship: 9:30 a.m. Call to Order: 10:30 a.m.

Quilters’ Retreat at Lakeshore Center

Lakeshore Center At Okoboji 1864 Hwy. 86, Milford, IA, United States

Lakeshore Center at Okoboji invites you to our Quilters Retreat, March 3-6. The schedule includes daily devotions, delicious meals, and ample time to work on quilting projects while enjoying fellowship with others. Click here to register.

Mission Coworker to Visit Iowa

Ellen Smith, PCUSA mission coworker and liaison for Eastern Europe, will itinerate in Iowa in April 3-10. Ellen and her family lived and served in Russia and Ukraine for several […]

Women’s Retreat at Lakeshore Center

Lakeshore Center At Okoboji 1864 Hwy. 86, Milford, IA, United States

Women’s Retreat featuring Jennifer Dukes Lee Register Today Cost: Full Retreat – Double Occupancy: $225 Full Retreat – Bunk Room: $175 Full Retreat – Cabin: $150 Full Retreat – Commuter: $100 Saturday Only: $85 Have Questions? Email, or call the office at (712) 337-3313.

Spring Clean-Up at Lakeshore Center

Lakeshore Center At Okoboji 1864 Hwy. 86, Milford, IA, United States

Many hands make light work! Friends of all ages are invited to help with general cleaning, yard work, and maintenance projects. It is important to get the grounds looking their […]

Installation of Reverend Doctor Jim Edwards

First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek 600 3rd St, Battle Creek, Iowa

You are invited to the installation service of Rev. Edwards on April 21st at 4 P.M. at First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek. Please join us!

Called Presbytery Meeting

Lakeside Presbyterian Church 110 E. Third Street, Storm Lake, IA, United States

8:30 a.m. Registration and Fellowship 9:45 a.m. Meeting Begins Register now

Pastor Retreat

Lakeshore Center At Okoboji 1864 Hwy. 86, Milford, IA, United States

Pastors need rest and renewal now more than ever. With that in mind, Lakeshore Center at Okoboji is eager to welcome Andrew Root, PhD, to lead an ecumenical pastor’s retreat. He will be sharing material from his latest book, “When Church Stops Working.” The retreat will offer encouragement and hope as we are reminded to wait […]