Class | Name | Status/Church | Phone | |
2024(2) |
RE Rebecca Brown |
Lake City Union |
712-292-4222 | Contact Email |
2024(2) |
TE Michael Sydnor, Sec. |
Schaller First | 712-275-4691 | Contact Email |
2024(1) |
TE Richard Francis, Mod. |
Retired |
712-265-1167 | Contact Email |
2025(2) |
RE Marj Feltman |
Paullina First | 712-229-3467 | Contact Email |
2025(1) |
RE Susan Logsdon | S. City Westminster | 712-253-6743 | Contact Email |
2025(1) |
RE Phil Havens | Contact Email | ||
2026(2) |
TE Anna Small |
Glidden First |
503-847-1938 |
Contact Email |
2026(1) |
TE Jan Christensen |
LeMars |
712-541-3586 |
Contact Email |
2026(1) |
TE Clint Loveall |
Spirit Lake First |
712-336-5641 |
Contact Email |
2026(1) |
TE Philip Beisswenger |
Cherokee Memorial |
712-225-2637 |
Contact Email |
Staff |
TE Ian McMullen |
Pastor to Presby. | 515-450-7534 | Contact Email |
i. Purpose: The Commission on Ministry shall serve as a counselor to ministers of Presbytery, and to facilitate the relations between congregations, ministers and Presbytery. (G-3.0307)
ii. Responsibilities: The Commission on Ministry shall be responsible for planning the effective ordering and deployment of resources and leaders in the churches, for studying the leadership needs of churches, and the possibilities for relationships between churches in the sharing of ministry, both within and across denominational lines, and to suggest plans and procedures for establishing effective ministry and mission, and carry out the responsibilities assigned to the Presbytery in the Form of Government, G-3.0307.
iii. Membership: The Commission shall be composed of ten members in three classes with Ruling Elders and Ministers of the Word and Sacrament in approximately equal numbers (G-3.0307). The Commission shall elect a Vice-Moderator as well as a Moderator, or at the Commission’s discretion, Co-Moderators. If the Moderator resigns from the Commission or is not able to function, the Vice-Moderator shall immediately become Moderator and the Commission shall elect a new Vice-Moderator. In the absence of the Moderator, the Vice-Moderator shall have authority to sign calls and other official papers for Commission.
iv. Empowerment of the Commission on Ministry to Act on Behalf of the Presbytery
The Commission on Ministry has been given authority by the Presbytery as described in G-3.0307 to
—find in order calls issued by churches,
—approve and present calls for services of ministers,
—approve the examination of ministers transferring from other presbyteries required by G-2.0104b,
—dissolve the pastoral relationship in cases where the congregation and pastor concur,
—grant permission to labor within or outside the bounds of the Presbytery,
—dismiss ministers to other presbyteries,
—appoint Ministers of the Word and Sacrament to serve as moderators of vacant churches,
—appoint qualified Ruling Elders to serve as Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs). The procedure for the preparation and commissioning of a CRE is found in Appendix I.
—recommend to the Moderator of the Presbytery the appointment of Administrative Commissions,
—set the Minimum Terms of Call for a Called Pastor and the remuneration rate for pulpit supplies and moderators of congregations with the provision that all such actions be reported to the next stated meeting of the Presbytery.