2025 Annual Forms

Jan 6, 2025

The annual forms for 2025 are linked below. The presbytery greatly appreciates your help to complete and submit them in a timely manner! Please forward forms, as needed, to others in your church who may assist with completing this important task.

Church Fact Sheet (pdf)  or  Church Fact Sheet (word doc)

  • This form is very important to the presbytery office in that it provides names and contact information.

Remittance Form (pdf)

  • Please include a copy of the Remittance Form with any check that is sent to the Presbytery Office. This helps assure the money gets directed to the appropriate place.
  • Be sure to include your PIN number on the form. This number must be entered for the presbytery to receive the payment.
  • Section I is for per capita payments. You only need to write in the total amount of per capita that is being paid with the check that accompanies the Remittance Form.
  • Sections II and III are for shared mission support. You only need to fill out ONE of these sections. If you are paying shared mission in accordance with presbytery recommended percentages, only write in the total amount on the line of section II. If you are paying shared mission in accordance with amounts as chosen by your Session, please complete the lines of section III.
  • You will notice this year’s Remittance Form has the four special offerings in different colors. This is to differentiate between the offerings to be sure they get credited to the appropriate fund.

General Mission Pledge form (pdf)

  • In Section A, complete one of the two boxes. Check the first box if your pledge is to be paid using the presbytery recommended percentages. Check the second box if your Session chooses to pay in percentages different than the presbytery’s recommendation. Even though you put the percentages on this form, please still write the amounts in Section III of the Remittance Form.
Review of Minister Compensation (pdf)
  • If your church doesn’t have regular pastoral leadership, you may ignore this form.
Info for Congregations Relating to SASR (pdf)
  • There are links within this informational page. The second link takes you a page where there is a box titled “Access the System” that takes you to the login page for the annual statistics reporting. You will need your church’s User Name and Password. Your User Name is your 4-number PIN with a zero in front of it. If you do not know your User Name and/or PIN, please reach out accordingly.
  • Statistical reports should be completed by February 10, 2025.

PPH Sexual Misconduct Policy-Pastors (pdf)
PPH Sexual Misconduct Policy-Session (pdf)
PPH Social Media Policy-Pastors (pdf)
PPH Social Media Policy-Session (pdf)

The presbytery realizes it takes time to get these forms completed and to get the statistical report filed online. Please know I appreciate your time and assistance! Completed forms can be scanned/emailed to office@presbyteries.org or sent USPS to the address listed below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

Lastly, please share the 2025 PPH Prayers for the Churches with your congregation(s) for use in your weekly prayers.

Thank you!!

Jeannie A. Stolee
Office Manager
Presbyteries of Des Moines, North Central Iowa and Prospect Hill