Presbyterian Mission Co-worker Speaks on Migration and Border Ministry

Apr 11, 2023

Presbyterian mission co-worker Mark Adams will speak on migration and the US-Mexico border from a faith perspective:

  • Wednesday, April 26, at 6:00 PM, at Heartland Presbyterian Church, Clive
  • Thursday, April 27, at 6:30 PM, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, Ames

Since 1998, Mark has served as U.S. coordinator of the binational ministry Frontera de Cristo in Agua Prieta, Mexico. “I help [people from both sides of the border] reflect biblically and theologically about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in light of our spiritual, social, political and economic connectedness,” Mark says. Frontera de Cristo is part of Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries, a binational organization with four ministry sites along the US-Mexico Border, from Arizona to Texas, and from Sonora to Tamaulipas.

For more information, contact Amgad Beblawi at (502) 592-3223 or by e-mail.